看到時嚇了一跳,原來剛才Google台灣與日本同步更新了Logo,今天是小叮噹(哆啦A夢)的生日! 我還蠻喜歡這種改變,希望Google能推出更多類似的主題,讓我們能看到更多不同的懷念主題Logo。 比較令我好奇的是,這是否代表著台灣與日本…
Good Idea for Google Taiwan and Japan
Google has just updated its Search Logo, it did surprised me and I like this surprise indeed. Today is the birthday of D…
CKEditor – New Name for FCKeditor 3.0
FCKeditor has been around for more than six years. Since 2003 it has built a strong user community becoming the most use…