It is my first time blogging, as far as I know, WordPress should be the best choice for a beginner, and Netfirms has provide WordPress in their Application Service. In fact, most of hosting services provide multiple blogging system like WordPress.
Installation is just about 10 seconds, but it is default to version 2.6x, so the annoying “upgrade to 2.71” message always popup when I manage my blog in the Control Panel. After some studies on its Help File, I found that some Hosting Services like Blue Host provides automation tool for users to upgrade their WordPress, but not Netfirms. However it looks not difficult for me to do manual upgrade and it is better to upgrade it now when I have just little data and has no plugins etc on my blog, so I decided to upgrade and kill the annoying message.
WordPress has very good documentation on thier website, basically there are 2 ways to upgrade for situation like me: Simple and Detail. If you are a newbie or stupid like me you should use the detail, it has Step by Step instructions to follow.
There is only one step takes me very long time: uploading files to server using FTP. Whole package of WordPress is about 5.39MB and the transferring rate to server is keep at abount 1KB/s, and when finished it disconnect immediately and freezed my WinSCP. I have to kill WinSCP process manually and double check uploaded files on server to confirm all the files has been uploaded.
For a Hosting Service just $20/yr like NetFirms, I have to say that my experience on upgrade WordPress was quite smooth, with a little trouble, a bit slow but no big problem occured.