Recently there are rumors about Apple is going to buy Twitter for about 700 Million. I have no idea why Twitter could wo…
Wolfram Alpha
Wolfram Alpha is coming out this month and many people say it will become a Google Killer. Frankly speaking, I don’…
Another cheap Web Hosting Service
One of the biggest web hosting company – DreamHost, is promoting their one year package, including a domain name, …
How 30 Boxes saved my life
Last month, for curious I signed up an account at 30 Boxes. Because the sign-up process is very friendly therefore I set…
Yii PHP framework
Recently I am tracing the progress of a new PHP framework – Yii and considering about building a new web applicati…
Firefox 3.1 Beta4
Firefox just inform me to upgrade to Firefox 3.1 Beta4 (or 3.5 Beta4?), already installed, again, some plug-ins are not …
My first month of blogging
In my first Month of blogging I found out that it is a pretty tough job for my, but eventually I did it. And it is a goo…
Google Analytics
Google Analytics has a new version (urchin.js to ga.js), you need to update script if you want to use some new features.…
Richest Website
Retire@21 published a Top30 of Web Young Entrepreneurs according to the Annual Turnover. However I guess there are many …
Information Explosion
Some body could give me any useful advice about how to solve information explosion which I face? When I found out I miss…
The power of Javascript
I am a web worker and developer, I play many Javascript framework/library stuffs like jQuery, Prototype, YUI etc. Becaus…
The power of Flash
I found that too many people under-estimate the power of flash. Flash is not a tool for doing those animation only, it c…
Firefox 3.5 Beta 3
It is out on March 12 and I have been using it for two weeks at home. Firefox Beta Download I found that although it is …
Microsoft is a Bug
“Microsoft is a bug” is target at Windows and Office, but I am not talking about there are too many bugs in …
PHP on Google AppEngine
Today I have got a newsletter article by Manuel Lemos from After read the article I realised that Google…
Framework holic
Framework has becoming very popular in Web 2.0 for couple of years. Especially in open source web application like PHP o…